Friday, September 14, 2012


Un buen escritor crea universos paralelos.

Los mejores escritores son los que inventan las mejores mentiras.

Un poema es un suspiro del alma.

Cuando escribes un cuento tú eres el dueño del tiempo, de la vida y de la muerte.

Escribir es vivir otras vidas.

Tantos libros y yo solo tengo un par de ojos
Do you live to write? Or do you write to live?

We need more dialog and less bullets

All people are stories

You never know who has the most interesting life, only who is better at telling his story

You can be a genius but if you don’t know how to tell your story you are just an incident

A society that rewards a hundred times more a singer or an athlete than a good scientist or a good artist is not going to go to go too far