Sunday, October 31, 2010

Two more poems

I'm very happy to share two poems that were published recently in Blood and Thunder, a journal from the College of Medicine of the University of Oklahoma, I hope you'll like them:

The waiting room   (Published in Blood and Thunder, Issue 10, Fall 2010).

blue as the wait,

full of bodies, full of hours, germs and old magazines

but above all full of wait is the doctor’s office

a simple door separates

despair from hope

but it takes an eternity to pass the wooden barrier.

meanwhile the bodies have to endure the

smell of drugs, body fluids and death

the organs emit sounds of pain, worry, regret,

vows of behavioral changes, religious promises

and wishes for mountain air

however the bodies have to wait

for answers, miracles,

while their circular thoughts and

desires return as flies to illnessless times

as the minutes and the hours pass

the bodies have time to dream with a power doctor

who would liberate them from the pain, from the fear

that the wait has enlarged

If at least the pain would wait too…

All I want is Celebrex        (Published in Blood and Thunder, Issue 10, Fall 2010).

I love horses, the sea and the stars

But I can cope without rides, sailing or watching the sky

Yet, I can’t live without the prosaic Glucotrol for my diabetes.

I would like to read more poetry, travel to France, make corn bread

And teach small children how to dance,

But today my only desire is for a pill of Midrin for the bounce in my head.

My happiness in life was growing roses and walking on far away beaches,

Now I would change all my scarce treasures

For a dosage of the strongest Celebrex to ease agonizing joints pain.

I love to love, I love to live, I love to give,

But I can’t enjoy anything while my body dies

And my worldly possessions aren’t enough for the merchants of relief.


Arturo Ponce said...

Tío, descubrí este blog tuyo en el link izquierdo de la página de los Poncholos. Me alegra mucho haberlo hecho, estoy disfrutando estos pequeños pero muy profundos poemas, ¡un gran saludo desde San Luis Potosí!

Anonymous said...

Que bueno que lo descubriste. Aqui me desfogo un poco y disfruto echando algunas ideas al viento.
