Saturday, October 22, 2011

My list of things to do.

Thing to do today

- Find happiness
- Search for an immaculate sweetheart
- Wash my cloths
- Write a remarkable novel
- Appointment with the dentist
- Stop watching TV
- Organize my closet

So many things to do so little time, but
at least I prioritized my list as the experts recommend.
However I must begin with the cloths,
all of them are dirty and I need a clean shirt for the dentist.
The happiness can wait. I have put it off for
43 years, it can wait one more day.

The same is for the sweetheart
but the appointment with the dentist is easy
I just need to go and I’ll get that off my list.
For the novel I need to buy paper first,
I’ll write it in my list for tomorrow.

I would organize my closet but I want
to watch what happen to the stupid Lucy.
As soon as the series finish I’ll have time
to organize not just the closet but my life.

I’m doing two things of seven.
Not bad! Yesterday I only finish one of six.
The experts recommend not trying to accomplish
everything in one day. It may be frustrating.
I think I’m in the right path to fix my life.